A Short London Break

After moving home for the summer, I travelled back to London last week to see Beyoncé and Jay-z on their On The Run Tour II. Since I had a few extra days off work, I decided to make a mini break out of the trip and travel up a few days earlier.


My first day in London was pretty boring. I had a lazy morning at home before heading out to Oxford Street. I spent the afternoon shopping before picking my boyfriend up at Victoria station and heading home.


My boyfriend and I had been together officially for six months on this day so we decided to have a bit of a date day.

To start the day off, I dragged him to Peggy Porschen Cakes for a (very expensive) morning snack. Peggy Porschen is possibly the most photographed cake shop in the world right now, and you can see why. The pastel pink decor, flowers and elegance attract tourists from all over. Some days people are queueing out the door for a chance to experience the highly rated café for themselves. We were lucky enough to grab a table outside almost as soon as we arrived.

It took a while for someone to come over and take our order, but we didn't mind as the weather was beautiful. The air was warm with a light breeze and we had one of the prettiest spots in London to sit and enjoy. It was also the perfect opportunity to take some cute pictures, which I took full advantage of.

When the waiter finally came to our table, we ordered the Summer Berry Pudding and the Eton Mess cupcakes along with a latte and pink lemonade to wash it down. I was sceptical as to whether the food would live up to its hype but I can honestly say they were the best cupcakes I've ever tasted!

Everything came to just over £24 all together. Although the cupcakes were delicious, they were slightly overpriced at over £7 each to eat in (they're slightly cheaper if you buy them to take away).

After our morning bite, we strolled down to the Tate Britain. Entry into the Tate is free to everyone although there are certain exhibitions you will have to pay for if you want to see them. We spent a couple of hours here exploring the building and the artwork inside.

To end the day, we made our way to Junkyard Golf Club in Shoreditch for cocktails and crazy golf. Surprisingly, tickets weren't too expensive at just £11.50 per person. There are four themed courses to choose from. We'd already been once before and completed the fairground course 'Bozo' so we decided to have a go at the scrapyard challenge 'Gary'.

It took about half an hour to complete the course and after that we made our way to the bar for food and cocktails.

If you're looking for a date idea in London I would definitely recommend this place! They also have venus in Manchester and Oxford.

Photo Credits: @wand3rjust on Instagram


Day three was a chilled day. We got the tube to Richmond and went for a walk in the park. Hidden away in Terrace Gardens is the Hollyhock Café. Everything on the menu is either fairtrade or organically sourced, which means that it's a great spot for vegetarians, vegans, those with gluten intolerance etc.

After our snack we began the long trek back home.


Our final day in London was concert day. We arrived at the stadium just before three o'clock to begin queueing. As we had standing tickets we had to get there earlier to get a good space, although it meant that we were standing for about seven hours straight. My feet were killing by the end of the night!

All the standing was worth it though as we managed to get a space just a few rows back from the catwalk. The On The Run tour definitely lived up to its hype!

At the end of the tour Beyoncé thanked everyone for coming out and counted down to a brand new visual, announcing the release of their new album.

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