My Body, My Choice: Why I'm Pro-Choice

Trump is only a matter of days into his presidency and has already made a number of changes that have angered many people around the world; one of these changes being the reversal of the abortion policy. This means that federal money will no longer be sent to international groups to perform or provide information about abortions. In defence of this decision, his press secretary claimed that Trump "wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn".

The picture that surfaced was of Trump sat at a table surrounded by a group of male politicians. We have never, nor will we ever, see group of women sit around a table and decided what the male population can and can't do with their bodies, so why should a group of white upperclass men hold the fate of millions of women within their hands? It doesn't seem right.

W H Y  I ' M  P R O - C H O I C E

While I do believe that there always needs to be a valid reason behind abortion, I'm pro-choice because I support bodily autonomy and believe that all women should have the right to choose what happens to them.

There are many reasons which may cause a woman to choose abortion, listed below are just a few reasons many women feel the need for abortion:

+ Cases of rape
+ Cases of incest
+ They're too young
+ They're mentally or physically incapable of pregnancy
+ The pregnancy could endanger their life
+ Failed contraception

What many people don't realise is that there is no such thing as the banning of abortion, only the ban of legal and safe abortion. Abortions will still occur, although they will not be as safe or sterile as the legal method and will therefore endanger millions of women around the world. Before abortion was legalised in 1968, many women turned to 'backstreet abortions' and often died after developing infections from the unsterile equipment used. By taking away a woman's right to have an abortion, these unsafe methods will reoccur.

The banning of abortions takes away a fundamental human right for women and is a major step back in society.

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