Ten Things I Did Before Twenty

In just a few days I'll be turning twenty. I always see those '20 before 20' or '30 before 30' lists, which are essentially a list of goals a person wants to achieve before they turn a certain age. A partial bucket list. Whilst there are many things I'd like to experience and achieve in my twenties, I decided to make a list of some of the experiences I've enjoyed the most throughout my life so far.

Got a tattoo. I got my first tattoo! It took me a very long time to muster the courage to get it done but I finally did it and I couldn't be happier with how it looks.

Volunteered abroad. I know everyone always says it, but volunteering really is one of the most rewarding, life-changing experiences you can have. The three weeks I spent volunteering in Ecuador were some of the best weeks of my life.

Learnt to drive. After nineteen years of relying on my mum to drive me around, I finally learnt to drive and passed my test first time.

Explored the Galápagos Islands. Visiting the Galapagos Islands is an opportunity that doesn't come around too often but it's one that everyone should take given the opportunity. Exploring the islands was an amazing experience that I'll never forget.

Swam with sharks. This was one of the scariest, yet most exciting things I've ever done. I never in a million years thought I'd swim with sharks, nor did I want to. But when the opportunity came around I couldn't miss out.

Moved to London and started university. Moving to London is something that I've always wanted to do and I finally got the opportunity after being accepted by Middlesex University. The concept of moving away from home and living in a big city was daunting but it was one of the best decisions of my life and I've met some of the most amazing people through it.

Visited New York. For my eighteenth birthday, I was lucky enough to go to New York. Visiting America is something that's always been on my bucket list so I was so excited to go.

Went to Auschwitz. As part of my A level History coursework, I was given the opportunity to fly to Poland for the day and visit Auschwitz I and II. The experience is haunting, yet rewarding and enlightening. Given the opportunity, I would definitely go back and would encourage everyone to visit one day.

Voted. Voting is something I believe that everyone should do regardless of whether you think it won't make a difference or not.

Moved in with my best friends. This year, I moved into a flat with six of my best friends. Living with so many people can be challenging, but I love having a friend there to talk to 24/7 and the independence of living away from home.

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