My First Tattoo

Last week I finally plucked up the courage to get my first tattoo. I've wanted one for years but could never decide what I wanted, and when I finally decided what I wanted I couldn't decide where I wanted it, and once I decided where I wanted it I was too scared to actually go and do it. The only reason I actually went through with it last week is because my mum wanted to get one too, so she booked us in together. We used a local tattoo artist that my mum's been to before so it was reassuring to have someone that she'd already had experience with and trusted.

I've always liked the idea of small and dainty tattoos, I can't really see myself as the type of person to be have a massive tattoo up the side of my arm. Flower tattoos have always appealed to me so after a lot of thought I decided that I wanted get a lily. I've always thought that lilies were so beautiful, plus my great grandma's name is Lillian so it made sense. The only problem with lily tattoos is that most of them were quite large and bulky and I wanted a more delicate one with a stem, but I finally found an idea I liked after a while.

I've never been very good with pain and I hate anything that involves needles so I was extremely nervous on my way to the studio. When we got to the there I made my mum go first so that I could watch her before it was my turn. Watching her calmed me down as it didn't really seem to bother her so I was a lot less nervous when it was finally my turn to get in the chair. Before he started my tattoo, he placed a stencil on my arm so I could see what it would look like. I didn't like it at first so I decided to make it bigger and position it straighter rather than having it at an angle and it looked perfect.

It didn't hurt even half as much as I thought it would. It was just like lots of tiny little scratches and sometimes I couldn't feel anything at all. It only took about 20 minutes to finish it with the shading and everything and I was done. 

I'm so happy with it and I love how it looks. I was so nervous about getting something and then not liking how it turned out but thankfully this looks exactly how I imagined and hoped it would look.

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